Good Day Realty 365 Software
" Practicle Software Real Estate Solutions "
Automation Manager Database
Our tools are the best in the nation !
We have funding,
We have lists of pre-foreclosures, auction, and bank owned foreclosure homes,
We have a network of like professionals who we can turn to for assistance,
We have national lists by county and state of investors who have a history of buying investments,
We have the experience of buy and selling wholesale real estate.
My income comes from buying and selling Wholesale Real Estate !
Wholesale real estate are homes that are pending or have been foreclosed. We primarily look at residential entry level bank owned REO property.
We are looking for homes that are rundown and junkers. This market of foreclores is huge because the economy is difficult for people and they get their home owned by the bank.
We are looking for investors that want to sell homes for huge profit ! You can own foreclosure property from our inventory of homes rehab them and sell them for big profits.
Call me, James Avakian, (714) 398-4585,
email me: javakian1@gmail.com