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The ShopperLady®

We develop new ideas and software information daily !



New network presentation,


        See our parent company marketing website, a measure of our development !

Software progress in industry !

App software is based on Apple Computer's Swift version 3 and planned update at Apple WWDC developer's conference this summer.


The ProductList Network® is planned to be a app network of thousands of ShopperLady® and SnappyList(tm) apps. These app are such that they assist in the development of client made shopping lists, tasks, and reminders.

The network has no formal release date but, Optical Automation, assures us that the product will be out sometime early 2017. Its apps and database will provide a formidable product for consumers.

Alexa, from, will that work with The Network ? Will we create voice created shopping lists for your home and business ! What is planned and coming for the ShopperLady® from use of Alexa ! Only time will tell, our engineers have a big task ahead of them to create products you will use for shopping everywhere !

What some happy ShopperLady's say:  

"I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services."


- Carrie B.

"I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services."


- Tammy T.

"I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services."


- Steve M.

This website and information are part of the ShopperLady® product line and The ProductList Network®

Products and Tradenames discussed on this website are owned by each respective owner.

The ShoperLady® and The ProductList Network® names and logos are registered property of Optical Automation, LLC

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