Parents Information
James L. Avakian, ET
Professional Engineering Resume
Professional Summary
I develop Next.JS Websites, they are my speciality and am skilled at developing, enhancing, integrating and supporting front end HTML-JSX, JSON, Responsive Website Design, and MongoDB Atlas websites. I use Next.JS with CSS, Bootstrap, W3CSS, and TailwindCSS resulting in displays for computers, tablets, and cellphone display equally. I also have React.JS experience for api and RESTful access database by MERN, MongoDB, Express.JS, React.JS, and Node.JS technologies.
I develop and support an end to end software lifecycle across the entire software development of gathering, analysis, design, coding, testing, and deployment. Applications include eCommerce, personal, business, portfolios, informative, and accounting web databases. I am flexible and can move quickly from draft mockups into web languages. I have a real passion for the end-to-end solutions that drive the user experience and customer satisfaction from website database to mobile platform interactive display experience.
Next.JS, built-in, SEO optimization pre-render from ServerSideRendering and Static Generation. Layouts using CSS, W3CSS, and TailwindCSS and MongoDB, Atlas database. File system routing, TypeScript, API Routes, Image Optimization, and Zero Configuration for website performance rapid display website page response.
MERN, ReactJS Full Stack Node.js, ExpressJS, ReactJS, MongoDB Atlas, by MoogooseJS and Axios.
Serverless deployment by GitHub, Vercel, Digital Ocean, Heroku, Netlify host computers.
Command Line Interface by Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Emmet for NPM Next.JS and React.JS.
Localhost browser display by Apple MacOs and Windows computers.
Mobile Dev,
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community, Xamarin C#, MacOs and Windows. Also MySql Workbench, iOS and Android mobile app builds.
- Apple Xcode for Swift/UI language development for mobile iOS handheld displays with Apple App store submittal acceptance.
Full stack Next.JS development by designing and building databases.
React.JS, middle tier services, and APIs for client and server web code.
Participate in the design, development, testing, debugging, and maintenance of software code for internal business applications, client solutions and new product development
Learn, maintain and improve existing internal & external software programs work with other team members to understand problems to develop software and adhere to specifications.
Assist client on-boarding by working with people to ensure successful program implementation.
Communicate with the developer team as well as with non-technical team members.
Take project from storyboard and requirements for documentation and release application.
Employment History
Full Stack Software Developer, Optical Automation, LLC, January 2020 to present
Produced Full Stack Database websites and mobile apps by Next.JS JavaScript full stack technology for end to end Internet to computer and handheld devices. Also used React.JS for MERN with MongoDB atlas and MySQL for websites and Apple Swift/UI for Apple app store app distribution. Produced shopping list, task, and personal information by MERN and Bootstrap responsive web design for The ProductList Network with The ShopperLady shopping lists including entertainment for information retrieval system.
Developed Auth0 for convenient user access. Use of Handlebars, hbs, and Embedded JavaScript Templating, ejs file display. Created MERN, MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS full stack code programming with PayPal eCommerce financial money collection. Deployed websites by Heroku hosting by GIT repository version storage. Created React Native and also Xamarin for iOS and Android app development. I deployed websites NodeJS and website FTP Php MySQL database websites networks. Deployed iOS to Apple App Store and Android to Google Play Store. Developed Stored Procedural database for MERN MySql using MySQL Workbench. Created and managed several Wix websites.
Development and integrating Web Services and APIs using NPM Data Processing libraries. Deployment using Amazon AWS, Digital Ocean, and Heroku website and mobile app database services. Experience with JSON NoSQL non-relational and MySQL relational databases. Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, Jquery, JSON, and Javascript (JS Core, DOM, WebAPIs). Knowledge of Browser internals like Javascript engines and ways to tune code for best performance. Familiarity and comfort with command-line applications, source control, testing frameworks and other aspects of developing in large, distributed software teams. Long Term, Short Term, and Remote Computing Accepted.
Xamarin Mobile Developer, Optical Automation, LLC, January 2016 to January 2020
Developed Microsoft Xamarin C# iOS and Android mobile app applications. Used Microsoft Visual Studio to create XAML, JSON, RESTapi, CoreData, SQLite, and Azure information apps. Created application development, workforce, project consulting and payroll management apps for devices including desktop, phone, tablet, wrist-watch, and hand-held displays. Developed personal, social, business, and game apps for consumer, real estate reporter, movie media, camera photograph, photo selection, voice recognition, speech synthesis, and animated games.
iOS Mobile Developer, Optical Automation, LLC, January 2014 to December 2016
Create app design and development by Apple Xcode Swift for iOS cellphone and tablets. Apps created using UIKit, CocoaTouch, CoreData, and JSON RESTful access with API database integration access. App types include personal, business, and creative games from real estate reporter, shopping creators, voice recognition, speech synthesis, camera photo album, movie cameras, and games. Web access by JSON integration and Php/MySQL for Microsoft Azure Cloud Web Service unlimited client access. In addition skills include HTML5 and CSS3 and also Php/MySql with JQuery, Jquery Mobile, and AJAX processing technologies for desktop with mobile RESTful API database access.
Test Technician, American Telephone & Telegraph, May 2000 to January 2013
Responsible for the maintenance repair of long transmission line telephone DS0, DS1, and OC-3 and above land-based digital network technology circuits. Initially, a Field Technician for Internet POTS telephone installation for a year then worked at AT&T Maintenance and Chronic Circuit repair. Repaired down data circuitry between California to the East coast. Provided telephone T1 national circuit repair in five regions, thirteen states, from California to Chicago to Texas, to Florida. Being in ATT Maintenance I was a member of the A&TT National Service Assurance Test Center.
Software Engineer, Optical Automation, Inc., November 1987 to May 2006
Responsibilities include design and writing content for windows programs and developing websites. Developed ophthalmic eye movement head mounted display. Hardware and software design for National Institutes of Health. Wrote Basic programming for DOS programs. Submitted U.S. Patents for contact and non-contact eyeglass frame measuring machine by computer mouse electronics and video camera design for funding. Mechanical design and physical wood frame crafted myself to include mechanical drafting.
I development sites fast with interactive display controls using templates and larger more websites. My programming background is primarily HTML/CSS and Php/MySQL. I have been using computers since 1983 and know DOS, Windows, and now use Apple Computers for development. From my experience, I prefer Adobe Creative Suite and Komodo editor for website creation.
Developmental Engineer, Hughes Aircraft Company, September 1986 to September 1987
As software database manager I was head of a team to determine functions as a database attribute programmer and database manager for twenty-five engineers. I headed meetings and arranged for many employees to attend meetings. I conducted meetings and help the company decided how to display and show military electronics parts in a company-wide component database. My computer was a terminal attached for an IBM 3270 main frame. I was employed at the Electro-Optical Data Systems Group, EDSG, in El Segundo, California.
Academic Experience
Clever Programmer, ReactJS Training, Online Certificate, October 2021 - January 2022
Microsoft Xamarin University, online July 2018 to April 2019
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, January 1982 to June 1986,
Bachelor Of Science, Engineering Technology, Electronics concentration, graduated
20+ years DOS, Windows, and Mac with iOS and Andriod handheld system experience with
SDK 8080, Z80, and 8086 Assembly Language, Digitalker, RS-232, IEEE488 HPIB Automated Testing and personal computer BASIC, C, C++. C#, Fortran, Pascal, Xamarin, Swift, and SwiftUI languages.
Technical Documents
“The Importance of Responsive Web Design Websites”, pdf
“The Benefits of eCommerce Websites”, pdf
“Product Marketing, Price, and Planning”, Powerpoint, pdf
Digital Artist
Icon Design, Prepo, WebMonkey, Iconfactory, InterfaceLIFT, and image manipulation
Adobe Creative Suite, Dreamweaver and Photoshop
Apple GarageBand, Multitrack pre-recorded Audio, and artist song writer parts of guitar, bass, drums.
Social Media Networking
GitHub Repository
Facebook, James Avakian
Optical Automation
James Avakian
House Of Webs
Technology And Times
eCommerce Website
The ProductList Network
Universal Access Qrcode / Auth0
S1: ShopperLady db's
S2: MyPersonalOrganizer
S3: MyBusinessOrganizer
S4: The Branded Series