Hand Coded Websites
Database Driven Code + Wix Templates
Our websites are written in the most responsive website languages !
We use php/MySql to store and display information to the display. We write our sites for desktop, tablet, and cellphone sized displays. This means you and your client can carry a website anywhere !
The large websites, more than twenty pages are hand written either using HTML5/CSS3 or php/MySql scripting programming languages. As result anypage access is fast and responsive no matter how much data is displayed to the screen.
Benefits To Template Front End + Database Backend
- Template and HTML window provides direct access to host computer.
- Multiple location addtional of specialized information.
- Less costly method to producing a full website.
- More colorful and stunning graphics, big and bold.
- Near free hosting and template maintenance usage.
People on the Internet use Php / MySql coding for their websites. More than eighty percent of all websites are Php with MySql. Many websites perform eCommerce to provide people a way to buy items by the internet. And a billion more people buy items as your customer clients.
To lure people into your website we use Search Engines to find the eCommerce websites. We use Google Search Engine Adwords, metatags, blogs, and informaiton inside your website to get visible to the search websites. Search website such as Bing, Yahoo, and Google uses Adwords so people can find and buy your products. More power to you, High Performance Webs are Web coded for responsive access. The more responsive the more people forget they are reading a machine driven display with all the php/MySql webs, why not you also ?
Php / My Sql and CodeIgniter
This combination of Php and Php Frameworks provides a more reliable, secure, and standard means of information display, storage, and Internet access.
According to Wikipedia: “In computer programming, a software framework is an abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional user-written code, thus providing application-specific software. A software framework is a universal, reusable software platform to develop applications, products and solutions. Software frameworks include support programs, compilers, code libraries, tool sets, and application programming interfaces (APIs) that bring together all the different components to enable development of a project or solution.”
Php/MySql and CodeIgniter
It creates a PHP-driven framework, with full of libraries, helpers, plug-ins and other resources to deal with the more complex PHP procedures and functions.
• CodeIgniter is good to simplify PHP syntax.
• Friendly to streamline the code underlying your web pages.
• Allows impulsive, synergistic, interactive, professional websites in no time.
• Provides straightforward solutions with RESTful interfaces between host and devices.
• The Framework is very easy to understand, thus simple to use.
• It makes coding in PHP simple, quick and user-friendly.
• Excellent framework for learning more about PHP as you code.
• Provides a Model/View/Controller (MVC) approach to web development—a best practice philosophy all developers should adhere to.
• It is linear and has an easy-to-use folder structure and allows users to customize for your own needs.
• You can construct your own cleaner URI lines in CodeIgniter.
High Performance Code
Php converted Hack Language websites are fast the access our Hip Hop Virtual Machine, HHVM, Internet host computer. This server is cloud based and provides hardware security and interlocks by is server software. the operating system is based upon the Linux operating system. The name of the hosting company is OpenSource. Their web hosting facility is cloud based. The code processing is the HHVM network and The Hack Language code parser.
Their Internet hosting provides a computer network that throttle additional computers for web space and processing resources. This is done by invoking as many computers needed to handle client Internet traffic. The more clients that access our website code the more resources are requested by simultaneously asking OpenSource computer networks for more processing. This is done automatically, from the cilent requests. Processing allocation is requested and withdrawn upon interactive client needs safely and securely.
The Hack Language is primarily php/MySQL with file formats of Hack. The language was invented and owned by Facebook.Com networks as of March 2013. We discovered it while researching php Application Framework code bases and trust the inherant php/MySql language code from its mature codebase and constructs. This is the codes that runs our most important networks to date. See the References and Description button to see what is written about HHVM and The Hack Language. Our description is additional information of the components of how our website and its web pages perform for desktop, tablet, and cellphone computer terminals.

By voice input
Optical Automaiton, name text and artwork logo are registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and are corporate prorperty owned by Optical Automation Invcorporated.