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Get a website !

The Process







The first step is always about information gathering, identifying what you want to say and do. What is your purpose ?  Make money, represent a product or service, remember the past, develop a plan for the future ? The first design ideas are system ideas ....  Things such as lines or circles, ovals, type of language, color scheme, purpose, goals and target audience.  Remember anyone anywhere can read this !




What do your expect from a website. Want to deliver a message or make money. Or just get the opinion from people about life, science, or just anything !




Colors, shapes, and placement ! How do you want what where !

The process is first of art for people and the second priority is for software engineering. I author the design of my websites with templates; HTML5,CSS3, AJAX, and Jquery; or create php/MySql.




What do you want to say ? What impact do you want to make. Remember the reader is your client and you need them to return over and over ! I use blogs, SEO optimization, and metatags so people can find your website easily and return.




Create the site and deploy it on a host computer. Get the website to say what was intended and work as a responsive website.  See your website on your computers, your desktop, tablet, cellphone, and wrist watch !





Does the website do was was designed if not repair it !  See the anayltics ! Does the traffice show and increase of visitors ? Do you have the result that you expected ? If not lets go back to the design blackboard....





With a unique domain name attach it so people see you is expected. What excellant results ! I know that and spend many hours according to your needs and expectations of a website !

All tradenames used on this website are property and owned by each respective owners and have been registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office.

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