APP Development
Business / Mobile Programs - iPhone and iPad

Mobile app for information collection and display, handheld note taking camera.
Voice to Text input,
Still and 4K Motion Camera
Access Properties and Network
Tasks and ToDo Item database

Patient Office
Make office visits from your medical practice automated. Store information on your internet mainframe host. Enter information of office visit by handheld iPhone or iPad device.

BusinessCard / Appointment Book
Represent your business and profession.
Custom development production.
For artists, attorney, agents, and business
Multiple product line Apps, one for each !
Showcase your talent and products !

Dr. Nerenberg Videos
The Nerenberg Instittute offers many videos
App display movies.
Information text display and Text to Speech

Excercise and Training
Account for the training you perform.
Select icons of excercises,
Running, Weight, Pilates, Yoga
Record Voice to Text of excercises and type

Living Memorial Wall
Grief and people hardships shown here.
Relate to movie testamonials by Dr. Nerenberg.

James Avakian Photography
Photoworks of my work.

Dr. Nerenberg Videos
The Nerenberg Instittute offers many videos on and featured here in this website.

James Avakian Photography
Photoworks of my work.

Dr. Nerenberg Videos
The Nerenberg Instittute offers many videos on and featured here in this website.

e-Commerce Websites
"Best T-shirts In Town"
A premiere eCommerce website for selling t-shirt clothes on the Internet. Sell your regular, on-sale, and Best sellers on this website. You can reach thousands of people and create many sales.
Fresh Market Foods
"Best Organics In Town"
An eCommerce website that sells consumer foods on the Internet. Shop and pay for items on the website.
T-shirts unlimited, Mens, Womens !
A eComererce website selling Men's and Women's clothes. Checkout this site to buy your online clothing.
Pet Shop food and supplies !
An eComererce website selling pet supplies and goods. Get your pet comfort items and food.