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APP Development
Games / Mobile Programs - iPhone and iPad

Squirrel Chase
Game to see who wins you or your Mobile device. Play against your device and others on the network waiting to play.

Adventure Game
Discover new places to see and you develop ways to get to your goal. By a maze and thought processes you decide how to get to the end the fastest compared to your last game !

Dr. Nerenberg Videos
The Nerenberg Instittute offers many videos
App display movies.
Information text display and Text to Speech

Excercise and Training
Account for the training you perform.
Select icons of excercises,
Running, Weight, Pilates, Yoga
Record Voice to Text of excercises and type

Living Memorial Wall
Grief and people hardships shown here.
Relate to movie testamonials by Dr. Nerenberg.

James Avakian Photography
Photoworks of my work.
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