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Curved vs. Flat Monitors: What are the Benefits of Curved Monitors?
Gouldian Finch | July 31, 2018
Do you remember comparing the difference between CRT and LCD monitors?
Well, that's in the past! Today, those shopping for monitors must decide between curved monitors and flat monitors
Do you know which is best for your needs?
If you don’t, then let’s take a step back.
Long story short, curved monitors are the new flat! At least that’s what it seems like based on the number of curved monitor options entering the market for applications spanning from gaming to work, and even to general entertainment.
With a curved monitor, your eyes are immediately drawn to their flowing curved screen and sleek look – but how do they perform? Below, we’ve set out to compare curved monitors and flat-screen monitors to find out for ourselves. What are the benefits of curved monitors? What are the benefits of flat monitors? Read on below to see our list of curved monitor advantages and full breakdown between curved monitors and flat monitors. Moreover, we will provide some info regarding the ultrawide variants of curved and flat monitors.
Curved monitors are immersive
In the world of viewable media, immersion is a golden standard to work towards. If a product can make you forget, so to speak, that you’re staring at a screen, then you're much more likely to enjoy the experience.
To create this sense of immersion, products must be engineered in a way that replicates real life. The monitor technology specifically used in this case is called ocular perception. This is something everyone learns from an early age.
We see the world in three dimensions - length, width, and height. If our collective reality was based only in two dimensions, then everything would appear to be flat. This is where the battle of curved vs flat monitors come into play.
Curved monitors take advantage of all three dimensions. Further, they expand on peripheral vision. In contrast, flat monitors, which live up to their namesake and don’t require the use of peripheral vision, offer a weaker immersive experience.
Curved monitor benefit #1:
A more immersive experience
Curved monitors eliminate distortion
Imagine how annoying it is when you experience a blurry picture. Next, consider how you feel when that blurriness is not due to a poor internet connection, but instead a hardware issue. In another example, consider how when you enlarge a video or picture, the quality ends up suffering a fair amount of distortion, particularly at the edges.
When it comes to the debate between curved vs. flat monitors, the situations above are almost exclusively associated with flat monitors. Although examples of distortion can occur on screens of any size, they become more prevalent as monitor size increases. Less distortion is one of the advantages of curved monitors over flat monitors as distortion issues are minimized on curved monitors.
Source: ViewSonic.Com