
Public Phones
People had the largest major impact !
Because of
Technology and times
One major part that happened because of technology, the “ telephone companies” made so much money from the efficiency that computers and technology have afforded that they took out all the public telephones everywhere in United States, everywhere!
Even if you have money in your pocket you cannot make a telephone call! Even if you're lost, even if you're downtown Los Angeles, even if you're a millionaire, you can be lost on the street all night all day until you get your telephone in your hand. This is happening in 2016, today's date, because the telephones have been removed everywhere. We have become to rely on our cell phones and yes there are free cell phones a couple companies give out for free.
Still you need a telephone if you lost, what do you got to yell in space and expect God to give you the address or help. The telephone companies made so much money they removed every single one !

Inside Look At Bill And Melinda Gates' Marriage
When people look at Bill Gates, they can't help but see green. After all, over four decades, the Microsoft founder amassed a net worth of over $100 billion (though he donates a hefty chunk to charity). And while so many billionaires let their money and egos go to their heads, Bill is nothing like them.
Over the past 25 years, Bill has avoided the relationship pitfalls so many wealthy folks fall into, remaining faithfully married to his beloved Melinda Gates. Recently, the happy couple revealed the surprising trick that keeps their relationship running as smooth as Windows 10.
Facebook Portal Device connects people
Phone home by video tablet !
This is a first for the industry, an inexpensive handheld tablet for video conversations.