Reputation Management
What is Reputation Management and Why Do I Need It?
Reputation management is the influencing and/or control of an individual’s or business’s online reputation. Whether we like it or not, as business owners our customers now have an outlet at their fingertips 24/7 to tell the world about our businesses – both good and bad – and they can do it in real time.
The general rule is that news of bad customer service reaches twice as many ears (minimum) as praise for good service.
It is also estimated that for every 1 customer who complains, there are 26 who are also upset but haven’t said anything yet.
When you put the immediacy of the Internet on top of how people are more likely to share bad news than good, you have a potential powder keg on your hands should something go wrong with a customer.
(To be clear: if your business gives terrible customer service, has low quality goods and services and is basically scamming people, you deserve all the negative reviews and to go out of business; we certainly won’t be able to help you, nor would we.)
Bottom line: you absolutely MUST be delivering your best day in and day out in the marketplace and have some sort of reputation management and monitoring in place to make sure that what is being said about you online is true and portrays an honest picture of your business.
What Are the Most Important Properties for Reputation Management
There are many online properties for rep management (and our services utilize they most powerful) but by far, the one that can have a gigantic impact on your business – both good and bad – is Yelp.
Here Are Some Numbers:
Number of unique mobile visitors in Q3 2014 – 73 Million
Number of daily calls to businesses generated from Yelp – 200,000
Largest age group on Yelp – 35-54 (the money demographic)
Largest education level on Yelp – college
Largest Income level group on Yelp – $100k+ per year
Number of reviews posted every minute by Yelp users – 26,380
Yelp users (Yelpers) are fiercely loyal and consistently review and recommend businesses. I have personally worked with Yelp and used it myself and I can say from experience the reviews can be all over the board as far as level of enthusiasm and impact on someone who reads them.
The bigger challenge with Yelp are the negative reviews. For some reason on Yelp, the negative reviews can be INTENSE. Yelpers have no problem with flaming your business to the ground with negative reviews if they feel slighted or your business is not up to their standards.
The problem with Yelp is that you the business owner have NO RECOURSE when it comes to negative reviews, other than being able to publicly respond to them. Even if someone leaves a negative review that is fabricated, false or they were just having a bad day – you CANNOT get it removed.
If It’s On the Internet – It Must Be True
There are other properties – like – that can also be harmful to your reputation. Some people need to remove negative press releases up by all the major search engines. These words are sometimes state terrible opinions company where an attorney needs to step in and clean bad televised press.
When It Comes to Reputation Management, You and your business are playing the game and business exposure can be difficult but the advantages of the product or service advertisement provides national access for a greater audience and client base. This can be very profitable for your and your business.
Fortunately, we have created systems to help you manage your reputation. We focus on making sure that content that tells the truth gets out there and then we make sure we drive it to the top of the search engines so you business succeeds.

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