Video Marketing
What is Video Marketing and Why Do I Need It?
Marketing using video is just using video to promote and sell a brand, product or service. When you have a great video that talks about your business, it can rank right up there on the first page of search along with your website and other social properties that mention you by name.
Bottom Line: – When a potential client goes online and they see your website listed in the top 10 rankings and a video about your business – not only have you taken 2 out of the 10 top spots from your competitors, but you are building credibility in that potential customer’s eyes.
What’s the Market for Online Videos
45.4% of Internet users view at least one video online per month
(100 million – number of users who watch video every single day)
90% of online shoppers say they find video helpful in making buying and shopping decisions
What’s the Payoff for Online Video Marketing
80% of Internet users recall watching a video ad on a website they visited in last 30 days
46% of that 80% took action after viewing the ad
64% of visitors are more likely to buy after watching a video
Online Marketing with Video Is NOT Just for Certain Markets
403% – increase of inquiries on real estate listings with video vs. without
59% – percentage of senior executives who would rather watch video than read text
96% – increase in email click through rate when email included an explainer video
75% – The amount reduced of unsubscribes from email marketing when a video is included in the email
Video Marketing is One More Club in Your Golf Bag
The best thing about video marketing is it is one more property you own and control that you can get ranked on the front page of Google. This builds trust and serves as validation when someone sees your video and your website on the front page of search. The more places you occupy, the less space there is for your competition.
Ranking videos is very similar to ranking your website and we are experts in both. If you want to rank a video for your business on the front page of Google, go to our Discovery Form, fill it out and someone will contact you in 24-48 business hours.

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